Community partnership brings music therapy to Convenant House

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The therapeutic power of music

A growing body of research shows us that music has powerful effects on the mind. Different styles of music can have a significant effect on a person’s mood very quickly, and it can help them experience and process a wide range of emotions, from happiness to excitement, as well as sadness, calmness, and thoughtfulness.

Learn how the Applied Music and Health program, including second-year graduate students Tolithia Hsuan-Yu Chou and Laura Street (pictured), partnered with Convenant House to bring weekly music therapy sessions to youth and staff.

Read the article on Covenant House News.

“I feel that these sessions create positive bonds between people, and it shows the youth that everyone at Covenant House is in the same boat when it comes to dealing with some form of stress and anxiety,” says Ram. “It creates common ground.”

- Ram Villardo, Spiritual Care Advisor, Covenant House